minusbaby - Very Quiet ShowerDownload MP3 Download OGGminusbaby - Coco Rico (for Didi)Download MP3 Download OGGRich comes back with another double pack for your listening pleasure! First up, we get "Very Quiet Shower", inspired by a convoluted dream, consisting of quietly melancholic chords, static pulses, and strings. Sounds like a deep blue monday. Next up is "Coco Rico", apparently written for Didi (I'm the quick one), which leaves us all feeling just a bit more upbeat. More please!
— Wednesday, June 05, 2002
minusbaby - Forget-me-lots Download MP3Download OGGOooh this is sorta creepy, innit? I'm hearing static noise fart type sounds tickling at my ears... sounds like something else is coming through now. Bad moon rising, the synths are getting unhappy. Sounds like I hurt my computer's feelings and now it's about to break my legs. Everything's all crunchy shiny brittle dryness and fuzz. Oh, yeah, I was talking about the song just then. ...always so bloody conceptual I am... speaking like Yoda I am...
— Wednesday, June 05, 2002