Orpheus - The Cosmic DJDownload EPHere we have a little time capsule from the beginning of the millenium (remember that?). This is an EP constructed entirely from MIDI sounds, and is an excellent display of Orpheus' writing talents, especially within the context of a limited sound palette. The music is perky and poppy, playful and bouncy. Everything is decidedly more linear than the usual Orpheus things and the drums sound more like samples of accoustic drum hits than the squishy-tight snaps that are usually favored. Above all the melodies are catchy and fun, ensuring that you will be returning to this EP for a while now. The Cosmic DJ: space has never smelled so tasty! (??????)
— Friday, February 21, 2003
Mikrosopht - OS Crumbling into Tiny BitsDownload MP3Push the button, the screen crackles, whirs and clicks emit from the box. Slowly appearing, white text on blackness. Small blue band pulsates, just so you know things aren't frozen yet. And then: "Aaaaaaaaoooooaaahhh". It's that wierd Bill-Gates-swimming-in-an- ocean-of-deap-purple-nirvana swooshy stereo sound. Yes. You have arrived. Welcome to the OS. But wait... that doesn't sound right. The box doesn't normally click that loud, and so fast... and the swooshy sound... not so purple now, sort of black, kind of red. Oh dear. Yes, I think the OS is crumbling into tiny bits!
— Friday, February 21, 2003