Satori - As Near Zero
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Satori blesses us with something all sparkly and shiny, twinkling its way through very dark places. A sense of deep melancholy is resonating in these spaces, casting a deep blue and gold sheen on the cave walls: a translucent ball of light dripping space-dust depression juices in a mystic... oops. There I go getting all trippy-New-Agey all over myself.... Let me just set down these crystals and I'll try to be a bit more practical about this... OK, this is what we are working with here: really gorgeous synth melodies, and very crunchy, speedy percussion. Lay these on top of each other, and we get a really nice contrast, making for something real special... the sound of fairies crying in a toxic dump... of purple crystal energy... Woops.
— Thursday, May 30, 2002
Comma - Dusty Download MP3What's this? A new release from your humble website editor? Yes, I have finally found time to make .mp3 files of my most recent musical outings. This track is the only one that survived the conversion process sounding acceptable, despite the occasional stray frequency or two. And what does it sound like? Well, it is a bit of a stylistic break for me: starker, more organic in texture. I am operating in downtempo breaks sort of way, with watery little synths, stand-up bass, and seventh chords. In the background you hear a very lo-fi recording of me and friend riding the train from Canterbury to London. Originally this track was going to be called "Aquatic Railway Jazz", but I ditched that title because it was too wordy. Anyway, you get the idea.
— Thursday, May 30, 2002
orpheus - Horizon Download MP3After far too long a haitus, orpheus has dropped another gem into the collective, and we couldn't be happier about it. This tune is an emotional tour de force, inspired by the recent heart attacks sustained by his grandmother. This diffulicult subject material has been channeled into the usual orpheus devices (amazingly lush synths, tricky little beats, gut-wrenching melodic work), but busts them wide open to create something so huge it just had to be over seven minutes long. He's been called "some kind of god", and this tune might just convince you. Simply stated: check this out now.
— Saturday, May 11, 2002
minusbaby - Lits and NiceDownload MP3 Download OGGminusbaby - Felt-like Drowning Download MP3 Download OGGAnother Metemite returning from an unfortunate period of silence! And not just once, but twice! Yes, crowd favorite minusbaby has blessed us with two tracks at once, connected at the blip, so to speak. The former is entitled "Lits and Nice" and feature creepy organ figures, playful pitched percussion, and wayward amen breaks. We get the feeling that something might be going strangely amiss here... Perhaps two rival tribes warring on some deep space bongo planet? Yeah, seems like a fit. The latter is entitled "Felt-like Drowing" and stands in peaceful counterpoint to the chaos that has just ensued. Here we get some well chilled jazzy chord things and lazy breakbeats, which is always a winning combo for this reviewer. Thanks Rich, now I'll go hear the other ten songs you released this week!
— Saturday, May 11, 2002